5 ways to keep your people motivated – lessons from the pandemic

We are getting slowly but surely back to a ‘new normal’. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard these two words – ‘new normal’ – in the last few months and I know for sure I am not alone in this. It’s nothing ‘normal’ about this situation but there’s a lot we can change to improve the way we work and support our people.  Whilst under this immense pressure to keep our organisations…

When passion pulls you in – What makes you forget to eat?

I was 20 years old when I founded my first children’s charity. I remember the excitement I felt like it was yesterday. I remember how eager I was to change the world. I had been volunteering for a good few years before this moment. I remember all that energy, the sheer enthusiasm, the limitless opportunities around me, and the strong desire to do my part for society and to serve my community. It’s been 12…